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DisclaimerEffective date: July 13, 2023

ForumForYou.it makes all the best in order to manage the service as well as we can, but we can not be considered responsable of the consequences of any errors inside this website or of other indirect damages that can derive from such errors.

ForumForYou.it does not have to be considered free from mistakes. Some photographies and images in this site have been collected from the net. Therefore they are to be considered of public dominion.

Don't esitate to contact the webmaster in case you were the owner of one the photographies or images in this site. They will be removed immediately.

ForumForYou.it is not responsable of the messages leaves inside forum. Everyone is personal responsable of their own messages left in the community. Forum is opened to all and registration is required. Please respect the general rules and the netiquette.
Our Staff reserves the right to reveal identity of the author of a message and IP address in case of demand from part of the competent authority.

We are not aso responsable of external links suggested by surfers. You see links at your own risk.

How to contact Us

If you have any questions about this disclaimer please contact us:
- By email: info@forumforyou.it
- By phone number: +39.348.164.500.7 (ONLY SMS - WhatsApp - Telegram)
- By mail: info@forumforyou.it